Friday, August 22, 2008

Is it all really over??????????

Summer is almost actually feels over already, My twenties will be over in a week, and My midget is going to kindergarten already.

1-Is it just me or did this summer just fly by? Around here the last few weeks haven't even been that hot. I had planned on making another venture to the beach but the end of August is already here and we didn't get to go.

2-I am turning 30 next Friday. Where did my twenties go? I don't know if I am prepared for this. I have been thinking about it since my last birthday but it seemed like such a long way off and now it's here and I kind of just want to run the other way.

3- As if turning 30 isn't enough, 3 days later I have to send my midget to school. Wasn't he just born? and now he's going to school. And I have been informed that he will be riding the bus, I am not to drop him off in my car and I am not to follow him to school. He can do it by himself. How did this happen?

How did this little baby........

Become this big guy????????????

I guess we are on to new beginings......hope they will be as good as the last few years.

Am I the only one who didn't know there were African Penguins?

We went down to Richmond last weekend to visit Russ while he is there for 2 months training for his new gig and to visit our good friends that moved down there and we miss like crazy! Russ and I took the midget to the Metro Richmond zoo and it was actually pretty nice. Anyway I had know idea that there were penguins in Africa. I thought they were only in cold climates. Learn something new everyday!

And there was the cutest baby zebra that was in the petting zoo area so we got to feed it and pet it. He had a bandage on his leg but we never found out what happened to him.